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How to Create an Event

Step 1: Create a new Event

Once you create an account, you’ll land on Ceremony’s home screen. Next, tap the “Create an Event” button.

Welcome to Ceremony!


This article walks through the process of creating an event in Ceremony. The entire process should take about three minutes.


Before creating your event, you’ll need to create a Ceremony account. The fastest way to create an account is to sign up with your existing Facebook or Google account. This allows Ceremony to use your Facebook or Google login information. It does not allow Ceremony to post to either platform on your behalf or compromise your privacy in any way. You can also sign up using email.

Step 2: Enter your Event Details


Every event must include an event name and date.

Step 3: Customize your event code (Ceremony Pro feature)

Ceremony Pro users (one-time, $4.99 upgrade) can customize their event codes. By default, every event has a unique six-digit code, but a custom word is much easier to remember (like JONESWEDDING). Guests will use your private code to join your event. 


To customize your code, tap the default displayed on your screen. Or to keep your default code, tap Create Event.

And that's all there is to it!

If you have any questions, shoot us a note at


How to Invite Guests

How to Message Guests

How to Customize Your Event Code

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